One of the things I loved about Shopgirl was the late night phone calls - sometimes exciting, sometimes silly and sometimes sad. Most of the critical junctures in all my relationships have occurred over the phone, really late at night. The latest being this feckless exchange with an old flame after we bumped into each other at a bar.
Me: 02:50 Bare Saunce?
Him: 02:50 Yep.Ring me x
Me: 02:53 Well i'm half way home now. You missed your ride...
Him: 02:55 Bollocks we can meet up ifya want x
Us: sometime in between - slurred phone call relating directions and certainty/purpose of meeting
Him: 03:17 On way x
All of this would of been OK had I not of being going to a funeral at midday the following day, and working for the rest of the afternoon and night. Another friend told me he had let himself get caught up in a similarly inappropriate and slightly out of character encounter after the funeral. Sex and death I suppose - the numbing, empty solitude of grief compels us to seek solace in acts of life.
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